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<desc> Displays an alert dialog which alerts the user to a condition or situation that requires the user's decision and input before preceding; such as an impending action with potentially destructive or irreversible consequences. The message can be in the form of a question. </desc>

<def> <funcDef lang="vs"> FUNCTION AlertQuestion(question:STRING; advice:STRING; defaultButton:INTEGER; OKOverrideText:STRING; CancelOverrideText:STRING; customButtonAText:STRING; customButtonBText:STRING) : INTEGER; </funcDef> <funcDef lang="py"> def vs.AlertQuestion(question, advice, defaultButton, OKOverrideText, CancelOverrideText, customButtonAText, customButtonBText):

   return INTEGER

</funcDef> </def>

<tbody> </tbody>
question STRING The question to display
advice STRING The text to be added in a smaller font under the main information/message
defaultButton INTEGER Specifies which button is to be made the default
OKOverrideText STRING Specifies a string to use in overriding the 'OK' string
CancelOverrideText STRING Specifies a string to use in overriding the 'Cancel' string
customButtonAText STRING Specifies a string to use for an optional custom button A
customButtonBText STRING Specifies a string to use for a second optional custom button B

<params> <lineList ident=1> <line> question STRING The question to display </line> <line> advice STRING The text to be added in a smaller font under the main information/message </line> <line> defaultButton INTEGER Specifies which button is to be made the default 0: the negative(Cancel) button is the default 1: the positive(Ok) button is the default 2: custom button A is the default 3: custom button B is the default </line> <line> OKOverrideText STRING Specifies a string to use in overriding the 'OK' string </line> <line> CancelOverrideText STRING Specifies a string to use in overriding the 'Cancel' string </line> <line> customButtonAText STRING Specifies a string to use for an optional custom button A </line> <line> customButtonBText STRING Specifies a string to use for a second optional custom button B </line> </lineList> </params>

<return> Return Values 0: the negative(Cancel) button was hit 1: the positive(Ok) button was hit 2: custom button A was hit 3: custom button B was hit</return>

<remark> Examples of all of the messaging techniques:<pre> AlertQuestion uses the exclamation icon, when really it should use the question icon. </remark>

<sample> Template:AlertDialogsAndMessages </sample>

<seeAlso> VS Functions: VS:AlertInform | VS:AlertCritical </seeAlso>

<version> Availability: from VectorWorks12.0

